The fledgling Star Company had scarcely landed for a quick visit to the prosperous colony planet of Citadel when they found themselues... well, grounded. To their dismay, Citadel proved to be a Puritan world where even the sight of female limbs was considered quite thoroughly shocking - theater was strictly forbidden!
Fortunately, company director Barry Tallendar pos;essed an advanced degree, an angelic countenance, and unparalleled powers of persuasion. He wrangled permission to deliver an inspirational lecture, and the Star Company was back in business.
But for as long as this world was their stage, the Church Elders would have to approve Barry's speech. The actresses must stay discreetly in the background.
And the company would have to steer well clear of the local lads and their lovely Puritan ladies - or it would be curtains for the Starship Troupers!